Monday, July 12, 2010

I know the pieces fit

Pay no attention to the title, I am listening to music in bed and am kinda amped up from a crazy busy day. My plan was to share a few pearls from what I've done/learned in residency so far, but I don't really know what to say! Oh well, here goes nothing, random thoughts from 3 weeks of residency:

1. Being a new doctor is hard!
2. Sleep is a commodity
3. Patients think it's funny to see a doctor that looks young (seriously, I mean they literally laugh)- it's a great compliment!
4. I have a lot to learn. Every day I am learning SO much and being taught so much. It really makes me wonder what I did in med school. I had to have learned something, right?
5. I literally had to write an order that stated, "ok to give patient a pickle."
6. I had a nurse tell me today, "I've only been doing this for 10 years, but what do I know." when I wouldn't let a patient eat while on a special breathing machine. Honestly though, I was right on this one and I wasn't even trying to argue the point!
7. I have a lot to learn
8. Being sick is scary. I admitted a patient in her 30's for a heart attack today. I can't imagine how that must feel for her and her husband. It's really sad. Her whole life is different now.
9. I will probably be uncomfortable for the next 6 months, maybe even 2 years. That is the nature of changing what you are doing every month. Every time I fell comfortable even a little, it will be time to switch.
10. I have a lot to learn.

Ok, like I said sleep is a commodity, and well, I have less than 8 hours before I have to be up to do it again!

~vaya con dios

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