Words I have a feeling I may need to remember frequently in the next 3 years. I am TIRED. So here's the scoop: Being an intern is hard. We have a team that has a "light load," meaning we have fewer patients than normal. This is great for me as a new intern. The catch is, I am terribly inefficient, slow, and my medical knowledge is best described as "rusty." There are several things I know I know, but my brain just isn't clicking. What's really hard is how difficult it is to picture that knowledge growing. I cannot possibly see how my brain is going to retain so much in so little time. I know it will happen, it has to happen, right?
The other really hard part is missing and worrying about Jordan. As busy and tired as I've been, I am pretty sure it is amplified about 7 times for her. I am sure she is doing great and I have come home both days so excited to hear how her day has gone (someone was a primary surgeon on a C-section today!!!!!!! I have to brag about my wife!)
I think I have to end this entry here because I am not really sure what I just said and I am practically falling asleep at the keyboard. Early morning tomorrow.
~vaya con dios
On a roll
7 years ago
I bet your body will just somehow figure out how to function on way less sleep and way more work soon. I guess we can always hope at least. Hang in there through this crazy beginning!!