I really don't. Our pharm class is boring, rank list turned in, and nothing really happening. I really don't even know why I am writing this! It probably has something to do with the fact that I am in said boring pharmacology class. So, you get randomness:
-Jordan and I have started watching Dexter. The show is so smart. I won't get into the premise, but if you don't mind gore and you don't mind a dark, twisted type of show (you are rooting for a serial killer), check it out.
-RSV sucks. HIV sucks more.
-Go Nuggets, Avs, and Rockies! (heck I'll even through in Broncos since the combine is coming!)
-Less than one month to match day (actually it's 22 days, but really, who's counting?)
-Going to see John Butler Trio in June at Red Rocks, can't believe I've never been.
-I can't wait to be a doctor!
-I highly recommend Netflix
-This is pretty lame actually, sorry.
-Frogs are funny
Disclaimer: This last one is no fun. Actually, you probably shouldn't even read it. It's stupid politics:
-I told myself I shouldn't get into politics on this thing, but there is one thing that is too important: health care. Regardless of where you stand on the issues, the fact remains that most agree reform is necessary. The point I want to make about it is this: I think everyone needs to learn more about this debate and contribute to the debate through real, informed opinions. I for one am tired of hearing the words lobbyists, pundits, filibuster, liberals, conservatives, blah, blah, blah. There are things I hope to see change: No more pre-existing conditions; fair, equal access to poor, working poor, and middle class; caps to increases on premiums; fair, equal access to poor, working poor, and middle class; no more bankrupt families from some medical condition, and did I mention fair, equal access to poor, working poor, and middle class? Ok, I'll get off my soapbox. I am willing to talk about this anytime, but this is not the place for that (sorry!)
~Vaya con Dios
On a roll
7 years ago
Even when you don't have anything to say, I like hearing what you have to say... Your "randomness" reminds me of those 25 Things About Me lists that everyone was doing on FaceBook awhile ago!!